Estate Planning for your dog
Much to the chagrin of our dogs, most of us leave the house without them on a regular basis. With that creates the risk for some reason, their parent may not come home. There are some simple steps you can do to ensure your dog is care for especially if your home is just you and your dog.
Have a Buddy System: Ahead of time designate a friend, family member, trusted pet sitter that can care for your dog and knows your dog. Set this person as one of your emergency contacts in your phone as well so if you are unable to contact them yourself, your buddy is easily identifiable. Let your buddy also know where your bugout bag is just in case they need to move your dog to their home, it will be easy for them to grab the bag instead of collecting the items throughout the house.
Rescue Alert Notifications: On your keychain and on your door, there should be a notice to rescue workers that there is a dog home waiting for you. You can make your own or you can get one from the ASPCA ( online order form)
Long Term Care for your dog: As much as no one likes to discuss such topics, it is important to determine who will care for your pet if you were to pass or are no longer capable of providing your dog care. I too frequently see pets ending up in shelters because their parent passed and there isn’t a family member or friend willing to take care of their pet. As a pet parent, it would break my heart to find out if this happened after my passing. This is where setting up a pet trust is important. Setting up a pet trust outlines who and how your dog will be cared for if you were to precede their death. (The most famous pet trust is that of Leona Helmsley. She had set aside $12 million to her dog to ensure he received care and lived as he was accustomed. The money (which was contested and reduced) was to pay the caretaker, the hotel room in which he lived as well as his other needs. It was estimated to be around $100K/year.) Animal Care Trust is an organization that aids in creating these trusts as well as offers programs to care for your dog. (in home, with a family member, in a sanctuary)
Whatever your situation, make sure to have something in place; it doesn't need to be extravagant but it needs to be a plan and everyone needs to be aligned.