Financial Support for Veterinary Bills
T The Classic Pooch

Financial Support for Veterinary Bills

Oct 5, 2022 · Financial Help

It has been entirely too long since I have written a blog.  So much has changed in our lives the past few years.  Due to inflation and other economic stresses, you may be making tough decisions on where you need to spend your money.  More and more in my social media pet parent groups I am seeing people say they cannot afford a vet bill they have been presented and they are looking to the group for advice and guidance. 

It became apparent to me that not many people are aware of the resources that are available to help care for their dog.  The good news is that with a little help from Google, you can find a list of great organizations out there to help you and your dog in your time of need.  These resources are outside the traditional payment plans through your vet or through a credit card. 

There are organizations out there to help you pay your vet bills when you can't afford it.  Below is a list I have put together doing some internet searching as well as gleaning information from pet parent groups. 

Pet Food:  Did you know there are pet food banks throughout the US? The ASPCA has partnered with some local food pantries. Co-fund My Pet as a great list to reference.

Help with Bills:  The below list of organizations in no way is fully comprehensive but it is a good place for someone to start. 


Cancer Specific organizations:

If you or someone you know needs help with veterinary care, please share this list.  If you have an organization that has helped you, drop their name in the comments and I'll add them to the list.  Let's keep this list growing to help all that are in need.

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